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NEWS: Welcome to Wilson: The guy who got in with 98 votes

May 26, 2021

Newly minted Daylight Saving Party MP Wilson Tucker says he has received a warm welcome in WA’s Parliament House, despite his “wildcard” election creating a political stir.

Mr Tucker was sworn in as an Upper House Member on Monday.

That came after a preference-harvesting deal saw him elected to the Mining and Pastoral Region after winning just 98 primary votes.

The micro party leader’s election provided a dominant WA Labor Party an excuse to launch a review into electoral reform that will specifically target an overhaul of the Legislative Council.

Mr Tucker yesterday issued a press release with the lighthearted title: “I’m the guy who got elected with 98 votes.”

Mr Tucker said in the media release he realised he was “a bit of a wildcard” and WA Premier Mark McGowan would have the electorate believe he was a “threat to democracy”.

“The reality is that I’m just a guy from Bunbury who works in IT, loves the great outdoors, and wants Western Australia to lighten up a bit,” he said.

While Mr Tucker’s election has caused a political stir that could spark serious reform, he yesterday told the Kalgoorlie Miner his reception from fellow MPs had, so far, been civil.

“Everyone has been very friendly and welcoming, including the staff here at Parliament House,” he said.

“I think everyone is excited to really start, whether it’s first term or second or third.

“We’re just very honoured and obviously in a privileged position to be here and we will be spending the next four years working closely together, so I don’t think it makes sense really to be sort of hostile from the outset.

“I think generally there’s excitement and camaraderie in the air.”

Mr Tucker said he had been in WA for only about three weeks after returning to the State from Seattle in the US where he had been working for Amazon as a software engineer manager for three years.

“Certainly I got elected on the back of the current system and people have accepted that and I certainly am here not as someone who is going to undermine the system,” he said.

“I’m here as someone who is going to work with the Government and the crossbench and really try to do my best for the people of the Mining and Pastoral Region.”

Mr Tucker said he had set up in a temporary electorate office in Perth for six months and was hoping to set up a more permanent office in the region he represents later in the year.